My NEW Book, The Ultimate Big Green Egg Cookbook, is available for order now!

DizzyFest 8 Experience

Food Exploration

  This past weekend Debbie and I spent the day at DizzyFest 8 which is a semi-annual festival in Northern Virginia celebrating all things Big Green Egg. We had never been to an EggFest and really didn’t know what to expect. What we experienced was a day surrounded by people who love to cook, love to cook […]

Big Green Egg Olive and Red Pepper Stuffed Pork Tenderloin


Reading one of my favorite food blogs (Tasting Table) last week I came across a recipe I just had to try: Pampelona de Puerco (or stuffed pork tenderloin with peppers, olives, and provolone). I know that I have done a ton of stuffed pork tenderloin recipes already and this must be getting old for you. […]

Big Green Egg Shrimp Goat Cheese ABT


Everyone loves ABT’s (Atomic Buffalo Turds) and has their own version of this classic BBQ dish. This recipe pairs Shrimp and Goat Cheese with the jalapeño and bacon for one heck of a savory combination. I love making these for guests before the main meal hits the table as this dish impresses every time! So, sit […]

Big Green Egg Filet Mignon Two Ways


Last week I participated in a post on a Facebook Big Green Egg Group about the best way to cook a Filet Mignon. This post went on and on with everyone giving valuable advice and lessons learned about cooking this cut of beef on the Big Green Egg. Now, I have cooked this steak many times and feel confident […]

Jack Daniels and Barrel House BBQ

Food Exploration

Last week I had the pleasure of picking up my son Zak from his mother’s house in Huntsville, AL and driving with him back to VA for a summer internship. Along the way,  our “boys trip” took an unexpected turn as we detoured to Lynchburg, TN and the birthplace of Old No. 7. Once there, […]

Big Green Egg Seared Duck Breast


Recently, a friend of mine on Instagram asked me if I would like to be a contributing member of his blog the Big Green Egg Brotherhood. This blog includes several members all of whom cook on Big Green Eggs. It took me about 3 seconds to answer with an emphatic yes! His site is still under construction but one of […]

Big Green Egg Ribs and Chicken

Chicken, Pork

This past weekend was a long one as we celebrated Memorial Day helping us to remember the fallen soldiers who have protected our freedom. We participated, as most of us do, by spending time outdoors with family and friends and by cooking something great on the Big Green Egg. Since we planned to have friends over to our […]

Big Green Egg Sous Vide Chicken


For those of you paying attention to my blogging history, you know that I started a quest to recreate the best chicken I have ever tasted from a restaurant in London named Dinner by Heston Blumenthal. This chicken dish was so moist and delicious I could not stop thinking about it. I asked our server […]

Big Green Egg Spicy Korean Salmon


Our ongoing theme in Korean influenced cuisine continues with this delicious salmon recipe. Pulling together Gochujang and Honey to form a spicy and sweet glaze, this salmon recipe was a smashing success. Paired with a nice glass of Sauvignon Blanc this dish is the perfect weeknight treat or meal for your next dinner party. Now […]

Big Green Egg Chicken Potato White Pizza


Last weekend was Mother’s Day and I wanted to make something special to celebrate the day. As it turns out “Mrs. Buddha” is not a fan of tomatoes in any shape or form (and yes the Italian side of me is not happy about this). So, I decided to make a White Pizza to top […]

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