In a bowl mix the ginger, soy sauce, shallots, brown sugar, bourbon, minced garlic, and orange juice.
Place the chicken thighs in a large Ziploc bag and pour in the marinade.
Gently remove the air and seal the bag. Refrigerate overnight.
Preheat the Big Green Egg to 350° and use a raised grid over direct heat.
Take the chicken thighs out of the marinade and place on a plate.
Put the marinade in a small sauce pan over medium heat and reduce by 1/3.
Once the Big Green Egg is at temp place the chicken on the raised grid and cook for 5 minutes.
Turn the chicken and cook another 5 minutes.
Take the chicken off when the temp measures 165° with insta-read thermometer.
Let chicken rest for 5 - 10 minutes and serve.